Monday, March 5, 2012

Question and answer

1. Nature photography is the area of photography in which I am strongest. I also have a good understanding of the effects, benefits, and limitations of adjusting settings on my camera such as the auto focus and the shutter speed.

2. I would like to improve upon my abilities with sports photography. Developing upon my proficiency with my camera will also benefit me in this area of photography. Furthermore, I am working to further develop my style and the impact of my photos.

3. A purpose of the club should be to further and enrich members' abilities and understanding of techniques in the realm of photography. Instructional presentations aside, the best way to improve is to critique others' photos, as well as your own. A strong critique does not ignore the drawbacks of the photo while concentrating on its positives. Of course, it is important to examine what the photographer did well so that he may implement those same practices again. Nonetheless, considering what the photographer could have improved upon will give him the means to fix his mistakes, and create better images in the future. A critique, even a predominantly negative one, is not meant to hurt one's feelings; it is meant to help the photographer. Limiting a critique to the effect of "OMG, I love this!" will not help us become better photographers.

- Cameron

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