Tuesday, October 4, 2011

red red red (Emma)

Sadly all of my photos are previously taken, due to the fact that my Dad has taken my camera to D.C. with him... and i took the "red theme" a bit lenient, but here are a few shots. 

 Not exactly red, but I would definitely say this color draws the attention, rather than the blue/greens.
  So for this one, there is very little red, however i thought that most of the attention was drawn to it (as in the first photo) thus I'd say the red is a huge color in this...
 Unfortunately on my trip to Panama, I had a crappy digital camera, thus the quality on these next three shots are less than desirable, but this I found interesting, seeing as the sun projected a reddish hint from the Gnobe Bugle dresses onto the little boy himself.
 Silly photo that I enjoyed. With some red :)
Gabriel, a little boy I met in the Indigenous Community of Soloy, Panama

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