Saturday, August 27, 2011

Emma's Summer Escapades!

My summer started off a bit slow with Extended Essay camp, but quickly sped up as I went and visited my grandparents in new jersey for a week and spent 2 days in New York City with my brother. Then I home for a very quick week before i headed to Panama for a month! ... The most amazing experience of my life! However, I was only sporting a less than awful underwater point and shoot as my means of photography. The views were incredible, and the people even better to photograph, however my camera didn't do the job. So here are a few of the somewhat decent memories i managed to capture this summer:

adorable children in Washing Square Park, NYC

View from the Brooklyn Promenade

Monkeys on the Panama Canal

Gnobe Bugle Indigenous Girl in Soloy, Panama

Local  Dances  

Globos por todos!

Cutest Gnobe Bugle girls ever!

Yakeline, a girl from the kindergarten class I volunteered with
Living in a cloud forest for a month was beyond incredible

The view we looked at every morning :)

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