Thursday, January 31, 2013

Proof that I actually do something besides lay on the couch and eat cookies. ~Rachel

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Christmas pictures! -Allie

I hope seeing pictures of the holidays infuses the gloomy month of January with a bit of joy! If you guys still have pictures of the holidays, keep posting them. They're so cheerful, although tinged with nostalgia! Here are some of mine (after quite some time):

Tiramisu made by Nika, my personal chef <3

I tried to make this toy train look like it was in motion by using a slow shutter speed and making Nika move the train back and forth. Lol she said I was acting like a five year old.

Very random, but I liked the way the light hit the ball.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Christmas Pictures.... finally

My attempt at being creative.... the stove burner.

I know this one is really out of focus, but I liked the gooeynes of the chocolate chips :)
I finally got around to putting my Christmas pictures on the computer. Almost a month later..... Yes, I procrastinate.  -Rachel