Hello members.
Order of business number one is that the meeting is next Wednesday the 7th of March. Your assignment is to upload a statement onto the blog answering the following three questions. Keep is short and sweet:
- In terms of photography, what are you most talented at?
- What do you need to get better at?
- What is one thing you wish the the Eastside photography club did that it doesn't do now?
Second order of business, we are now keeping track of attendance to meetings. If you are unable to attend and have B lunch you need to send me an email or let an officer know. Missing a meeting is not a big deal but having only officers and one member show up to a weekly meeting is.
If you have A lunch and are unable to attend the meeting for obvious reasons then this is excused. Each meeting overview will now be consistently uploaded online to help those of you keep up.
Assignments are for your own benefit. Benefit number one is that they force you to actively participate in photography in your daily lives at least twice a month since you have usually two assignments. The rationale with this is that the more you do an activity (hear being taking pictures and using a camera), the more exposure you have to it. Benefit number two, it opens you up to perspective. If everyone does an assignment there is obviously a very different take and interpretation of each topic. Seeing how others think exposes you to ideas you may have otherwise not thought of.
If you are not actively participating in the club because you are busy I understand, but continue to be vocal. If you are not participating because you think that photography club is not successful or doing a good job then you must be especially vocal about sharing your opinions. Otherwise we will continue being dysfunctional.
For those who have read this far, congratulations, I honestly appreciate your attention. See you next meeting.
There is no meeting this upcoming Friday but there is however a meeting the following Friday again during lunch in the same spot. This will be more or less after english orals so if you are able, please come to the meeting with a tentative outline of a story that you plan to follow or an individual. Thanks.