Tuesday, November 29, 2011

givin' thanks


canon 40d, the pictures below were taken with a 55-250mm zoom lens

mimosa in the making


the morning after thanksgiving...i guess this could count as my egg picture haha

sorry the pictures are blurry, I just grabbed a couple out of the 500 that i took that day...got a bit too excited

Friday, November 18, 2011

Emotion - Carly Gallop

This is my boyfriend Garrett holding my dog Chewbacca. I think that this can represent some happiness and some curiosity. Happiness from Garrett, curiosity from the dog. I just took this picture earlier today and I really like it. I wish it could've been a little better but this was just a spur of the moment thing and I was in a hurry to go somewhere.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011



- Cameron

Emotion Pictures

This emotion would be sadness, if there is really any emotion portrayed by this picture...

Although this picture isn't a great example of any emotion either, I thought it might work for suspicion, but in a cute, I-am-not-really-scared-of-you-but-I-am-wondering-why-you-are-holding-a-camera-to-my-face way. By Rachel Kyes


At the last meeting we did an assignment where each group found pictures in a National Geographic that represented each of five emotions we choose: aggression, heartbreak, joy, pride, and grief. We discussed how emotion plays a large part in photography, whether intended or not. Often times photos may represent ambiguous emotions, as in a photo may look like sadness but may actually be tears of joy.
So as you know, 
emotion is a complex psychophysiological experience of an individual's state of mind as interacting with biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences. Since actual emotion is a complex phenomenon, I picked a few favorites as examples. 





and that ambiguity we mentioned....


Friday, November 4, 2011

Portrait photos by Delia Leon

These are pictures of one of my best friends, Monica Villalon. I think she's absolutely gorgeous, and quite photogenic.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011



though the figures in both of these take up the full frame here are the portraits that I'm presenting, they're old (again) but more pictures of mine are coming :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Portrait Shots - Carly Gallop

This is my handsome boyfriend Garrett, who was having a bad picture day that day but I nonetheless managed to get a decent picture of him.

And this is beautiful best friend Hannah. I don't know if the background is too busy or not but I just absolutely love this picture.

portrait shots -- emma london

my Granny.

the lovely anastasiya (sorry for not asking if i could upload first! but you're gorgeous so i felt it necessary haha)


By: Rachel Kyes