Friday, September 30, 2011

Assignment Town! Theme color Red

First two beautiful photos by miss Rebecca Rosenblat 

This lovely photo is by Karen Kutyna!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oldie but a goodie

(by Meena R.)

soo..this is slightly belated but, here is MY picture of choice that 'describes' me

this is a picture I took of my sister about 3 years ago and it was taken right after she got a haircut, I was blasting some music and we were just fooling around. I took it with my Canon G9(..stolen in Amsterdam  :''[ ) and an external flash at the hot shoe. But it pretty much shows how I take photography as something to have a great time with.

Hope you all like it :)


over summer I took a photography class at SCAD and for my final assignment I wanted to do a series of diptychs based on color, my photography class liked the black one best but I personally liked all 4 that i did so I thought I should share them all

Amanda's picture

taken summer 2011

self representation

I chose this photo because I love taking roadtrips and travelling in general. I also liked how the rearview mirror was darkened because I like to live life without looking back.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Photo that represents me

I shot this photo in my backyard. This photo represents me because I really enjoy just taking a camera out into my backyard for a few minutes and finding little things to take pictures of. I don't exactly feel that the dead leaves themselves represent me, though.

- Cameron

Assignments! (a photo that represents yourself)

Photo number one is my assignment photo and is more abstract than intended. I like to say that I'm an artist. I love everything and anything that has to do with art, whether it's photography, drawing, sewing, blogging, music, thrift store shopping or design. This photo was taken on a friday night with a little backdrop I created with a really good friend. Goes to show our passion for pretty things and working with what we have. 

This is NOT my photo but it is my favorite current photo. Enjoy


Assignments! (a photo that represents yourself)

Beautiful photo by Carly Gallop!

photo of Nika Sourakov!

Time, You've Got Me Running. (Emma London)

Not the best piece of photography, but the subtleties tell a bit about myself, so here goes:

Photo frame: I love photos and capturing memories!
Vintage Jewelry: huge fan of "grandma stuff". Jewelry, clothes, and quilts included.
             My Nana is my hero, and vintage items remind me of her
             I'm super sentimental, and jewelry tends to have this value attributed to it
Airplane: Love traveling! Hoping to take a gap year, thus spend some time in a plane traveling far from
             Gainesville! I spent a month in Panama this summer: best experience ever.
CD: obvious reasons!
Broken Watch: I think it's important to live in the moment, and not worry about the time of things in the future.
             Also, as a senior, i'm super stoked to see where everyone's lives lead them, but it's all uncertain.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Schedule until December

  1. Wednesday, 7th B lunch assignment: take one photo that describes/represents you as a person
  2. Wednesday, 21st B lunch assignment: take a photo using red as your theme color
  1. Wednesday, 5th B lunch assignment: take a picture of an egg. Get creative
  2. Wednesday, 19th B lunch assignment: take a portrait photo of either a person or animal
  1. Wednesday, 2nd B lunch
  2. Wednesday, 16th B lunch
  1. Wednesday, 7th B lunch
  2. Wednesday 14th, B lunch -----> the last meeting before winter holidays, we will discuss plans for a end of the year show

Hey club members, 

Hope the school year is still going well and that even after the first meeting everyone is still looking forward to the club. Above is the schedule for the meetings. I understand many of you have A lunch and I apologize for making it during B. The general consensus agreed that a meeting during school would work best and so Wednesday is our winner. It is now officially every other wednesday so we can have more consistent meetings. Also attached to the first four meetings is your assignment. Again, it is optional but recommended so whenever you have it complete, just email it over and I will be posting it onto the blog website. 
For those of you who have A lunch, I again apologize and this does not mean you are no longer involved in the club. Your goal is to keep in touch through the emails I will be sending out and the blog posts. I will be posting a overview of each meeting for you guys to review. Please also send your assignments to me and we will get them posted and their reactions from club members as well. 

T-shirts will be available by the second meeting in October and the cost will be $10.00.
As for now, hope to see you at this Wednesday's meeting in Mr. Oyenarte's art room.

Please email me suggestions or complaints, I won't take them too personal!
